STKTK sp. z o. o.
Stanisława Sulimy 1/226, 82-300 Elbląg
No Spoilers Sp. z o.o. was founded by Luke Firmowski and Michal Kowalkowski. The company mission is to create inventory control solutions for the hospitality sector.
No Spoilers is an innovative inventory control solution for hospitality businesses. Using newest technologies (Bluetooth Low Energy, cloud, real-time data) we created a multi-platform application, which makes managing a bar, cafe or restaurant easier, less time consuming, automated, and much cheaper. The main goal of No Spoilers is providing tools for fast and precise inventory control. All you need is a phone to connect to our Bluetooth scale. Inventory control data will be automatically uploaded to the cloud so it can be analyzed on any computer (laptop, netbook, PC) or mobile device (phone, tablet) by the manager or the owner. From our application, the manager can easily schedule tasks for employees and control the company's workflow. No Spoilers have additional features that we are working on that are making managing a hospitality business a breeze.
I have been using No Spoilers in Zagrywki since the first day of the restaurant's existence. I had the choice of running a warehouse in the sales system or in No Spoilers. I chose No Spoilers and after the first quarter I knew it was a good decision. I have cut down on the actual beverage cost, saved tons of work hours and have everything under control. What's more, No Spoilers turned out to be a great tool for verifying the reliability of employees. Thanks to this, I know which employees deserve praise and which need to be re-trained in recipes and portioning. I try to use the potential of No Spoilers on every level of managing the premises. I automate everything that can be automated and delegate employees to all the duties that can be performed with No Spoilers. I recommend this solution to every manager in the gastronomy who respects their time.
I introduced No Spoilers to my bar to reduce the time I spent on product quantity checks. I quickly realized that it was the best decision I made. Counting your own production - tinctures, infusions, syrups - with No Spoilers is a piece of cake. Additional functions of the platform turned out to be useful - automatic generation of orders, instant calculation of the value of the warehouse and orders to suppliers, or generation of orders based on recipes. This is the best bar management tool I have come across so far.
The business that I run requires me to be flexible and accurate in managing my beverage inventory. Any unsuccessful purchases follow me for a long time. Thanks to No Spoilers I always know how much goods I have and what I might need.
Michal Kowalkowski is a programmer with 12 years experience. He spent last six years in Shanghai where he started his first startup companies (, Hyperyun).
Luke Firmowski is a hospitality businesses insider with ten years of experience. He worked in Poland and UK. During his career, he was a bartender, manager and restaurant owner.
Mateusz Kalinowski worked as a technical consultant for telecom companies for six years. He is a database and data analytics expert.
Stanisława Sulimy 1/226, 82-300 Elbląg