Paragraph 1: THE VENUE
Steam Bar, founded in 2017, is a cocktail bar located in southern downtown of Warsaw. The premises have 130 square meters (1399 square feet) and 76 seats available for the guests, who are welcome everyday from 5 PM to 2 AM The Steam Bar menu offers 45 cocktails, 120 unique products and bar food. The owners, Bartosz and Piotr, run the business on their own with help of hired employees.
The Steam Bar owners performed inventory control once a month with measuring cups and an excel sheet. Additionally, they controlled TOP 10 sold products every week. This method would take them 12 working hours each month. Beverage cost was around 30%-33%, far from the planned 27%.
The simple reality was that in order to improve stock efficiency, Bartosz and Piotr would have to increase inventory control frequency. Whilst this may have helped to identify any of the many potential reasons for the losses, every extra stock control procedure would raise labour costs.
Not a perfect solution, by any means.
Paragraph 3: THE SOLUTION
The No Spoilers system performs inventory control cycles more quickly, more accurately and more precisely than any of the solutions that Bartosz and Piotr had tried in the past, including measuring cups and excel sheets! Stock control is now performed with the combination of the No Spoilers mobile app which communicates directly with the No Spoilers scales that have been introduced to the venue, at no extra cost.
Bartosz and Piotr use the No Spoilers platform to manage their business on a daily basis. The inventory levels, sales and orders data gathered on one platform allows them to verify efficient beverage costs, calculate the cost of sold goods and identify any weak spots in the pricing policy.
Finally, the Steam Bar owners can make decisions based on numbers – not guesses.
Faster and more accurate inventory control
Business data gathered on one platform
Game-changing analytics and reporting
Paragraph 5: Results
75% Loss reduction
Before implementing No Spoilers, the Steam Bar owners were losing around $1000 in stock each month. Since the No Spoilers solution was introduced, inventory losses have dropped to $250 each month.
Achieved savings amount: $750
83% Labour cost reduction
Prior to the implementation of the No Spoilers platform, the Steam Bar owners were spending a minimum of 12 hours per month on inventory control. This represented a spend of $190 in labour alone. Since the implementation, the owners have significantly reduced that time to just 2 hours a month, representing a labour cost of just $31.
Achieved savings amount: $149