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Reduce Tax with No Spoliers

Mateusz Kalinowski

We are excited to share one of the specific benefits of No Spoilers usage with our polish customers. As you all know 31st of January is coming, which means it’s almost time to pay “Koncesja A/B/C”.

We can help to calculate this tax value for our clients. Usually, No Spoilers is able to reduce tax value by over 30% on some categories. Some specific conditions will be applied, but if you have a bar, we can help you prevent some of the tax waste.

All potential clients from Poland are eligible if they have the necessary information at hand – contact us today to find out how we can minimize your tax waste!

Let No Spoilers take care of your financial waste while you focus on what matters!

Do you want to learn how to do it yourself? With No Spoilers everything is possible.

Our co-founder Luke Bartosz Firmowski has created a tutorial video for polish bar owners in the field of “Oświadczenie o rocznej wartości sprzedanego alkoholu”. Which will help you understand how to prevent tax waste.

Mateusz Kalinowski

I begun working with databases during my master studies. I majored in software and database engineering, so I was happy to get experience in that field working for corporate clients. Michal, my friend from college, reached out to me and told me about No Spoilers. I thought it solved an interesting problem and my skills would greatly benefit the team.